Where To Find Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Knoxville TN

erectile dysfunction treatment in knoxville tn

Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the most common sexual problem that men report to their doctor. In fact, over 30 million men in the United States, alone, suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Though it’s not rare for a man to have some problems with erections from time to time, erectile dysfunction that is progressive or happens routinely with sex is not normal, and should be treated.

However, finding the right ED treatment for your unique situation can be tricky.

While there are a range of traditional treatments such as pills, injections, and even surgery – most common methods of erectile dysfunction treatment in Knoxville TN come with a list of unpleasant side effects or lengthy downtime.

And frankly, many treatments simply “bandaid” the problem, rather than provide a healing solution for the root cause.

Which is why so many people across the U.S. have turned to an advanced, all-natural solution known as acoustic wave therapy.

Acoustic Wave Therapy: A New Way To Treat Erectile Dysfunction in Knoxville, TN

Acoustic Wave Therapy is an advanced, all-natural therapy that targets the root cause of erectile dysfunction through the use of low-intensity sound waves.

As seen on The Doctors, rather than mask symptoms with pills or injections, acoustic wave therapy uses sound waves to begin to stimulate changes and tissue regeneration within the body.

Using non-invasive, low-intensity acoustic waves result in new formation of blood vessels a.k.a. neovascularization. These new blood vessel formation inside a penis improve blood flow encouraging stronger and longer erections.

The all-natural process also has the ability to promote natural and spontaneous erections, unlike other forms of treatment.

You can learn more about how acoustic wave therapy works here.

Where to Find Acoustic Wave Therapy in Knoxville, TN 

erectile dysfunction treatment knoxville tn

Luckily, there is a leading acoustic wave therapy provider right here in Knoxville, TN.

At WaveTech™ Therapy Knoxville, specialized and friendly professionals put together a plan for your unique situation to target the root cause of erectile dysfunction, using the pain-free process of acoustic wave therapy.

Clients see little adjustment to their routine, no known side effects, and a renewed sense of sexual performance in as little as 4 weeks.

“I cannot begin to express the difference that WaveTech of Knoxville has made in my life. Before being treated at WaveTech of Knoxville, I had been dealing with Erectile Dysfunction for over 10 years. I had let ED control my emotions and habits for too long. The ED was not only hurting me but it began to hurt my marriage. After being treated at WaveTech of Knox… I now can say my ED has been HEALED! I’m so thankful for the professional, courteous, and highly educated staff at WaveTech of Knoxville for devising a plan to cure my Erectile Dysfunction. Men… if you are dealing with ED… Do not wait another second, call Wavetech of Knoxville. You’ll be glad you did!” – Bill Smith

Read more Google Reviews Here

While the number of acoustic wave therapy sessions required will depend on each client’s unique situation, the average client at WaveTech Therapy Knoxville sees improvement in erectile dysfunction from the very first in-office session.

The all-natural process is completed right in the WaveTech Therapy Knoxville office – no hospital or out-patient service required.

Each session takes just 15-minute to complete and results can last up to 2 years from the end of your last appointment.

Interested to learn more?

You can book your free consultation at WaveTech™ Therapy Knoxville by using the online calendar here. 

erectile dysfunction treatment knoxville tn

Located in the Meridian Trust Building in Knoxville, TN, WaveTech Therapy Knoxville is a trusted location for acoustic wave therapy in Tennessee.

WaveTech™ Therapy Knoxville is open:

Monday 9:00 – 5:00pm
Tuesday 9:00 – 5:00pm
Wednesday 9:00 – 5:00pm
Thursday 9:00 – 5:00pm
Friday 9:00 – 12:00pm

Location: 109 S Northshore Dr Suite 402 in Knoxville, TN

Book Your First Appointment Here

“I was very impressed with Wave Tech’s knowledge. The staff is very courteous and educates you in all that they do. Wave Tech came up with a specific personalized plan that met my needs perfectly. The effectiveness of their treatment is immediately noticeable. I would recommend it to anyone. They will educate you, treat you very professional, and design a specialized plan that fits your needs.” – Yuri Davis